Friday 25 May 2018

flooring part III

I'm obsessed right now with the floors. I can't help it. As I previously told you in my first post, I'm reusing a floor that was made for a room on a different house. So obviously it doesn't fit at all. It's too small and as a perfectionist I didn't like it wasn't a perfect rectangle with 90º corners (I know, I know... It sounds a little bit odd).

First thing I did was to cut the borders and then make sure that the angles are perfectly placed at 90º.

If the floor was too small for the entrance at first, right now is even smaller. Hence I glued it to a graph paper sheet the size of the entrance floor and refilled it.

This is the final result though it needs to be sanded. The wood used for the retouched is from a different so probably I will have to paint or darken the whole floor in order to make it more even.

C & W

Tuesday 22 May 2018

flooring II

Once the inside floor was almost done I started thinking about how to do the small outside triangle at the entrance. I considered the idea of extending the inside wooden floor but it looked quite weird.

But last night (all great ideas come to mind at night) I remembered I had 10 beautiful tiles that I bought many years ago in a fair from the Italian artisan Alemikikri. Why only 10? I don't recall it. Probably I didn't know where I would use them so I figured out that 10 tiles where enough to do an entire floor (LOL).

I was quite frightened that the tiles would completely disintegrate while trying to cut them in half. But surprisingly they were made from a soft material, probably clay, so cutting was an easy task.

The borders are made from board and then covered with gesso waiting to be painted. Yes! painting is not my forte at this moment. Not filling inspired when it comes to color tones.

C & W

Friday 18 May 2018


Once the kit was put all together, I knew I had to deal with the not so fun task of electrifying the dollhouse. I've always hated it. I'm not good at it. Hence this time I decided to give a chance to Cir-kit. It was much easier than I thought and apparently everything works well. However by now only the skeleton has the tapewire placed. The dividing walls are still removable so the tapewire will have to wait a bit.

I'm quite chaotic when it comes to start. I don't stick just to a single room. But this time I decided to work on the bakery for a little while and concentrate my efforts on the floor. 

Not that it's a very intricate one but it's been quite a long time since my last attempt. The right edge is cut where the entrance door will be placed as you may see in the next picture.

It's not done yet. I will probably paint it. However I haven't decided the colors that will prevail in the bakery so I'd rather wait.

C & W

Tuesday 15 May 2018

this is a mess but a pretty one

This our chaotic situation right now. The house is already built and some of the floors are ready to be placed. However there is nothing certain yet. I'm already thinking about redoing the entrance floor as it's a reused one from another house that... (long story short) is on the waiting list.

On the basement floor we will place the kitchen, the entrance and a bakery shop. On the first floor we might do a girls room and a dining room and last but not least on the upper floor a bathroom and the main bedroom. However, we might change our minds on the long run.

The kit was bought at Dollhouse Direct which is a UK based shop. The model is called The Newbury Corner shop.

C & W